One of the main focus points of the MUSST board of 2022-2023 was social safety. To this effect, several steps have been taken. For example, workshops have been provided for boards of student sports associations and UM SPORTS employees. Besides, together with the UM Psychologists, trainings have been offered for students willing to become a confidential contact person for SSAs.

Alongside these steps, a workgroup consisting of SSA board members, confidential contact persons, MUSST and UM SPORTS has worked on creating a Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct has come into effect as of June 2023.


While important steps have been made, we are also aware that creating a socially safe environment for sports is a process that is never finished. Therefore, we will continue to work on this in the future. 


The Code of Conduct of Sports Council MUSST and its student sports associations can be found below:

 Code of Conduct Sports Council MUSST