Student Sports Council MUSST is the coordinating body for the Student Sport Associations (SSA’s) in Maastricht. The Council consists of students members solely. The main aim for the Sports Council is to promote the practice of sports by students from Maastricht University. The Sports Council MUSST was established in 1979, then called LUSS.

Check out the 45th MUSST Board.

MUSST supports the SSA’s in several ways. MUSST assists in generating new memberships and applying for subsidies to support the SSAs and students registered at the Maastricht University. The visions and goals for MUSST can be found here.

MUSST collaborates with UM SPORTS to provide the best sports facilities and trainers for the members of the SSA’s. Read more about our collaboration.

MUSST is also a member of Studentensport Nederland (SSN), the national Student Sports Council.